Disclosure Policy
1.Information Disclosure Standards
We disclose information promptly based on the principles of timeliness, accuracy and fairness, following the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other laws and regulations, and Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information, etc. stipulated in the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereafter "Timely Disclosure Rules"). We also disclose information that is believed to be important or beneficial for enhancing the understanding of our shareholders and investors as well as the general public, promptly and fairly by posting it on our website or by other appropriate means, even in cases where laws, regulations, and the Timely Disclosure Rules do not apply.
2.Information Disclosure Methods
We disclose information set out in the Timely Disclosure Rules in accordance with the rules, via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Annual securities reports, among other information, are disclosed under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act via the Electronic Disclosure for Investors' Network (EDINET). We promptly post information disclosed via those systems on our website. We post on our website also information believed to be important or beneficial to the public or widely disclose it by other means even if the Timely Disclosure Rules do not apply to it.
3.Quiet Period
To prevent the leakage of financial results (including quarterly results) information and to ensure the fairness of disclosure, we have adopted a quiet period that, in principle, extendsfrom the second Monday of the month immediately following the closing date to the day ofthe announcement of financial results for the corresponding accounting period. During thequiet period, we refrain from answering questions or making comments on the results orearnings forecast. However, if any events occur that require disclosure under TimelyDisclosure Rules, or if a material discrepancy from the earnings forecast announced isfound during the quiet period, information will be disclosed in an appropriate manner inaccordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
4.Prevention of Insider Trading
We have established the Nitta Group Code of Conduct, the Regulations for the Prevention of Insider Trading, and the Regulations for the Management and Disclosure of Important Information to prevent insider trading. We provide education on insider trading regulations to officers and employees, aiming to convey the purpose of the regulations to them, enlighten them and deepen their understanding.
5.Handling of Earnings Forecasts and Future Information
The earnings forecasts, plans, strategies, and targets, among other information, that we disclose are forward-looking statements except for past and present facts. Such statements are made on the grounds of plans, decisions, etc. made based on information obtained at the time of preparation and certain assumptions deemed reasonable. Actual earnings results may differ from disclosed earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements due to various factors, such as the economic climate. We ask for your understanding in advance with regard to this.