Promotion Structure, Code of Conduct
Promotion Structure, Code of Conduct
NITTA Group initiatives for the promotion of sustainability
The Nitta Group recognizes the importance of promoting sustainability in addressing the needs of various stakeholders in order to achieve ongoing improvement in the Group’s corporate value. We have established a system and roles for that purpose.
Within the Group, the president is ultimately responsible for sustainability. The president chairs the Sustainability Committee, which has been established to deliberate and report on Group sustainability-related matters. Other members of this committee include inside and outside directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, and general managers of business divisions.
The Sustainability Committee gives regular reports to the Board of Directors on important sustainability-related matters.
The following sustainability promotion framework has been established for each department and group company in order to disseminate information about sustainability-related policies and initiatives within the Group.

NITTA Group Code of Conduct
The Nitta Group strives to provide excellent and valuable products and services in order to earn greater trust from society and grow together with it.
Toward this end, we have established the NITTA Group Code of Conduct, which all employees of the Nitta Group (“we”) pledge to faithfully observe and put into practice.
NITTA Group Code of Conduct
Enacted November 25, 2004
Revised May 12, 2017
- 1. Providing High-Quality Products and ServicesAs a manufacturing firm, we provide high-quality products and services, earning customer satisfaction and trust while contributing to the development of our industry.
- 2. Compliance with Laws and RegulationsWe will comply with the laws and regulations of both our home nation and all other nations/regions, respect social norms, and take action with sincerity and moderation.
- 3. Proactive and Fair Disclosure of Company InformationWe place importance on open communication with a wide variety of stakeholders and disclose company information in a proactive and fair manner.
- 4. Mutual Respect and a Comfortable Working EnvironmentWe respect the diversity, personalities, and individuality of our staff and strive to build a work environment that is comfortable and takes safety, as well as physical and mental health, into consideration.
- 5. Contribution to Public SocietyWe will actively pursue social contribution activities as conscientious corporate citizens.
- 6. Contribution to Environmental IssuesWe will voluntarily and actively contribute to global environmental conservation and protection.
- 7. Working in Cooperation with International SocietyAs we develop our business activity globally, we will respect human rights and international rules, take both the culture and practices of nations/regions and stakeholders interests into consideration, and contribute to the development of the local nation/region’s economy.
- 8. Fair DealingsOur dealings in the global market are fair, transparent, appropriate, and allow for free competition. We also take thorough action to eliminate links with gangs and anti-social groups.
- 9. Suitable Handling of DataWhen handling personal, customer, and other types of data we obtain through our business, we use that data in the pursuit of specific goals and take thorough action to protect it.
- 10. Establishing a System of Corporate EthicsIn order to realize the spirit of this Code of Conduct, we will strive to establish and maintain a system that promotes corporate ethics and encourages concrete actions from a valid ethical viewpoint.
If something occurs that violates this Code of Conduct, we will work to solve the issue as soon as possible, identifying the cause in order to prevent recurrence, while also exercising our information disclosure and accountability obligations.