Environmental Management

Environmental Management

2050 Environmental Vision

With the aim of helping realize a sustainable society and becoming carbon neutral by 2050, the Nitta Group has set a sustainable management policy with three targets: achieve a low-carbon society, achieve a circular economy, and contribute to biodiversity conservation. Under this policy, we are striving to reduce our environmental impact to nearly zero by conducting business in an environmentally friendly manner.
Also, throughout the product lifecycle that spans raw material purchase, production, use, and disposal, we believe it is essential to conduct environmentally conscious business activities within our Group and in cooperation with suppliers and customers. We will continue to listen to the opinions of all, and to further our environmental activities by disseminating information on our activities more widely.

Nitta Group’s environmental vision


7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Achieve a low-carbon society


Minimize CO2 emissions by 2050 through product lifecycle assessments

  • Encourage suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Shift to energy-efficient equipment
  • Switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy


12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Realize a circular economy


Reduce the amount of waste during product manufacture and raise the recycling rate

  • Reduce waste through improvements in yields
  • Raise the recycling rate with thorough separation of waste

Reduce waste by prolonging product service life

  • Reduce product waste by expanding sales of environmentally friendly products

Reduce water usage in industry

  • Reduce water usage by recycling well water used for cooling

Reduce environmental impact through technological innovation

  • Develop environmentally friendly products
  • Reduce the use of harmful chemicals
  • Reduce VOC emissions


15 Life On Land

Contribute to biodiversity


Practice sustainable forest management that contributes to biodiversity conservation

*Excerpt from sustainable management policy press release

Environmental Management Structure

The Nitta Group has built an environmental management structure headed by the Nitta Corporation President/Representative Director and has established an EMS (environmental management system) Conference under the supervision of the general management supervisor, with the Safety, Environment, and Quality Group serving as the secretariat. Environmental promotion managers are also assigned to each division and group company to supervise and promote environmental conservation activities in their departments.


Environmental Management Activities

We follow the ISO 14001 environmental management system in our approach to sustainable development. Under this system, by using the PDCA (plan, do, check, action) cycle, we aim to establish mechanisms for effectively and continuously improving our environmental measures. With numerous in-house subcommittees working in unison, we strive for reduced waste and greenhouse gas emissions and other goals through the following activities.

  • Establish targets for energy and waste reduction through management programs
  • Confirm legal and other regulatory requirements
  • Conduct environmental impact assessments, etc.
  • Work to reduce energy consumption and waste based on management programs
  • Prepare for and respond to emergencies (hold drills)
  • Communicate with stakeholders, etc.
  • Confirm state of legal compliance
  • Conduct internal audits, etc.
  • Confirm progress of management programs and revise targets
  • Review by company management